


Ceviche, is seafood prepared in a centuries old method of cooking by contact with the acidic juice of citrus juice instead of heat. Ceviche originated in places where seafood was plentiful but refrigeration rare. This appetizer is light, low in calories and has become popular all over California, Baja and mainland Mexico because of its subtle but spicy taste. It can be eaten as a first course or main dish, depending on what is served with it.
Course: Main Course
Cuisine: hispanic
Keyword: ceviche, seafood, shrimp


  • 2 lbs Shrimp Raw
  • 2 whole Cucumbers Seeds Removed
  • 5 oz Lemon Juice Fresh Squeezed or Bottled
  • 2 lbs Pico-de-Gallo
  • 8 oz Clamato
  • 12 oz V8 Juice
  • 1 whole Onion chopped


  • 1. Chop Shrimp into desired size
    2. Chop Onions and mix with shrimp
    3. Add lemon juice to mixture and set aside for 30 minutes to 1hour
    4. Shrimp will turn pink color when done
    5. Add Pico-de-Gallo, Cucumbers, Clamato and V8 Juice mixing well
    6. SALT if needed
    7. Place in refridgerator and let stand for al least 30 minutes